Saturday, December 26, 2009

Santa was Nice or I was really Good......

Sada (9 months now) with Grandpa Beazer
Semanee (5 1/2 yrs) Got the White Desk she's been asking for!
I love that she is practical!
Ella (2 1/2yrs) got her big girl Bike!

It's been a long time since you've all heard from me.....mostly because my laptop won't download my pictures. So I figure what is the point of posting w/o pictures!!! But Santa was good to me and brought me a new desktop with screen so big I have to turn my head to see everything on it!!! Thanks Santa!! Hope you all had a great Christmas day!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

3x to the E.R. in ONE WEEK..

So heres the stories..
First up...
Friday while finishing up some stuff at the office Semanee was spinning Ellashay in the office chair.. (never ends well) told her to make a good choice and then I hear.. Thud!! (the sound of skull on concrete--if you've heard it you know what I mean). Scooop her up and holding her.. by the time I turn her around to see her head, her forehead over her left eye.. is Stuck out over and inch and growing.. the blood looking like it sgoing to burst outta her little pores. She seemed a little outta it.. slow to answer and dazed.. shock i'm sure. We were in Christines E.R... which is always fun with three little girls... by the time we got checked in and were sitting there waiting .. ella was back to normal.. signing Hannah Montana with Semanee and dancing, putting on a show for everyone there.. anyhoo.. after being saved by my wife from the insanity of trying to contain 3 little ones in an emergency room.. they said she was free to go.. that the best place to have a head trauma is in the front due to the sinus cavity "cushioning" immediately behind it.. :)

Granpa..(my dad)
So we're sitting in the office.. all of us my parents included.. Granpa was packin up to head out to a swim activity for the young adults.. we were all out in the lobby trying to decide where to go to celebrate my going career with Farmers (hopefully.. won't know till count comes in the 1st) and Semanee and Ella are running around the office then Sem comes out and says Granpas sleeping in his chair. Grandma jumps up and heads back.. at first i thought.. maybe he's teasing Sem.. Then Grandma yelled for us to get in there that something was wrong with Dad.. When I got in the room he whole body was completely lax and slid down in the chair barely on it.. he was breathing and his eyes were open but completely unresponsive . wouldnt squeeze hands or speak or even look at me. thank goodness we had a nurse on site.. had us call 911 told me to upll him up in his chair and lean him back, and keep his airway open.. by the time the fireman got there he had started trying to move a little, they swarmed into the office.. we had a whole firetruck and ambulance full.. they were asking Dad questions with no response.. they got an Iv on him and one of the firefighters was telling him to squeeze his hands and he did.. and from there hs started cognitively coming back around. They got him up and walked him to the gurney, to the ambulance and we rode to the hospital.. there they ran their tests on him, he seemed to pass with flying colors. we were thinking dehydration, stroke, seizure.. .. but he passed all his tests from blood work to heart panel to Ct scan.. we got him a blessing and by this point.. he seemed his normal self.. the only thing he recalled from the whole experience was sitting at his desk and then Firefighters swarming around him and him squeezing their hands.
Crazy.. They could find nothing wrong so they released him the next day (has to wear a heart monitor). But he sure gave us all a scare. The doctors now thing it may have been medication related. we have yet to find out.. but he seems to be doing just fine..

While I wasnt there for the entire ER experience I can give some background to the situation.. and later Semanee will hate me for sharing this.. as people don't like you talking about their heinies to their friends.. So Semanee had these little skin tag bump things on the bottom of her left little cheek (heinie). Pediatrician said.. no worrys.. they'll go away on their own.. don't pick at em.. just leave em.. yadda yadda.. well few weeks have passed and one turned pussy.. then after her bath it was red around it.. then the next day it was raised bright red and about the circumference of a softball and there was another smaller one down below it. as well as multiple little tiney light spots on her upper torso.. Anyhow for fear of MRSA we took her to the E.R..(mendys place).. (if any of you know Semanees fear of needles you can begin to empathize now.. we're talking about a girl we had to hog tie and sit on to pull a sliver out of her foot all while she screamed bloody murder at the top of her lunds) I missed the beginning but from what i gathered they put some kind of numbing agent on the sore to get a sample from it.. when I got there Semanee was jumping all over the place laughing.. .. then the doc came in.. Semanee stopped instantly.. they told us they were going to get a sample and told Semanee that afterward she could pick a toy outta the closet.. Sem started crying instantly.. and then started pleading to see the toys first.. lol.. and the Nurse asked her if she wanted to make sure there was something in the closet to make the needle stick worthwhile. Sem nodded.. i was laughing. anyway after pinning her down with her butt sticking out they proceeded to cut a small opening into her wound and squoze on it.. but never took a sample just wanted to open it to make sure it could drain and that there were no puss pockets under it.. ( from Wifees explan) but no samples taken.. doc figured strep or staff.. thought staff by the spread of it.. they then covered it up with a big bandaid and prescribed antibiotics.. and said shes not contagious and she'll be fine after a bit.. the funny thing for me was the explanation of how it spread from her heinie to her chest and back.. the doc said she must have scratched it and then touched the other areas... ok.. i can almost buy that if it didn't look systemic.. like a low grade chicken pox.. but if she spread it by touching it and touching somewhere else, why would she not be contagious..? If she touches it and it spreads on her body.. why not someone elses.. oh.. well Semanee acts fine and as long as the sore goes away I'm happy..
anyway that was our week.. it was fun.. aside from the stress of number crunching with my parents and writing all the business we could to get on the career program by wednesday it was a wee stressful.. (wont find out if I made it till Sept 1st.. )
Everyone seems great now.. Ellashays head looks almost normal.. till her next mishap..
pops has no recollection of his incident and no one seems to be able to find any problems.. (he did get a blessing but would still be nice to have an explanation)
Semanee is herself as always dancing and singing E*V*E*R*Y*W*H*E*R*E LOL..
I'm sure the wife will add her two bits to all these situations.. and I hope she does.. cause I know i missed alot.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Canyon de CHELLY

Alright so heres the story.. These pics are all from Chinle, Az in the Canyon de Chelly.  This Canyon has numerous overlooks to ruins all throughout the canyon.. it truly is beautiful scenery. You can 4x4 the bottom which we heard was a much better route to take.. but with the rain and the newborn.. not really an option.  okay.. so this whole trip all came about the night before.. We thought that we could scoot up there in under a couple hours tops.. lol.. took us about 3.5hrs to get there over 2hrs to tour just the south rim and 3.5hrs back.. it was a    l  o   n    g    haul.   The Fry bread made it all worth while.. well at least it helped.. lol...  It rained all the way down to the first overlook then stopped.. we got out and hiked down to Spider rock.. the pic with the four of us and the Huge rock spire below.  This stop was actually the best actually due to the Echo.. yes the echo.  you could climb out just shy of where our pic was taken and shout out whatever and seconds later hear it echo through the canyon walls.. best echo spot I've heard yet.  I have to say that each and everytime we got out of the car for an overlook with out fail it would downpour on us trying to get back to the vehicle.. we bout froze to death.. well lil Ellashay was purple and shivering.. lol.  We had a good time.  

Semanees Graduation

So.. this was Semanees Preschool Graduation.. It was a really big Ta-Doo...  Mrs. Holly's and Mrs. Evys class was around 10kids.  They had a video presentation with coin phrases that the kids had let out during the whole school year.. Some of em were pretty funny.. I will post it to our blog later so you guys can enjoy it as well.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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                                                          Happy Birthday Grandma!!!

                                                          RED ROBIN...... YUMMMM!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

BFF Dance by Semanee

Okay so you know how your kids say and do 
the darndist things.. well we had some Disney 
cheerleading show on tv and it inspired Semanee 
into dance.. actual 6 dances.. but we'll only post a 
couple for your enjoyment..

okay.. if ya'll want more of Sem I'll post em.. but
here's two to get you going.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

poor ella shay

Okay.. so once again you get to be entertained by my version of the story ;).. got a frantic call on the way out of Elders Quorum meeting from the wife that (and this is what I heard) Ella had fallen off the couch and had a big bleeding gouge on her head and Chrisitine didn't know if she was going to need stitches .. please get home.. NOW.  .. okay.. so I fly home burst open the door.. 
theres the wife on the edge of the couch breastfeeding.. semanee on the other end watching a show and Ella shay just smiling up at me from the couch.. and I was like "HUH"?  to which the wife told me to walk around and look at the other side of ella shays mouth..
HUGE gash through her entire upper lip.. it was split apart to the point where it looked like it may never get back together.. well.. first things first.. call Koshar.. ;)  took a few pics.. there was question of worry as to whether this consittuted an emergency room visit or just a painful natural heal.. after showing her to Debbie , we got the bad (but good) news that this was indeed an emergency room worthy injury.. because the cut had breached the vermillion (sp?) border.. that ridge between your upper lip and the actual skin.  Which if it didn't get fixed could adversly affect her smile.  So off we went.. just me and ella to the er.. at mayo.. 
we get there and its just happy smiley ella.. except for her constant picking at her mouth making it bleed... 
we go in to start the admittance process and she starts freaking.. from the nurse trying to listen to her heart, to the temperature to weighing in.. EVErything.  and from her perspective I can understand .. she had been to the Doctor and it usually ended in shots.. which hurt.!
well we get into a room an hour later.. and then wait in the room for another hour.. (by the way.. emergency room was EMPTY)... and you can imagine.. tired little 22month old.. going stir crazy and I'[m running out of entertainment Ideas.. sleep out of the question... lol.. 
finally the doc comes and tells me the process for what they have to do to repair it.. 
and they bring in a baby back board with Straps.. and im thinking to myself.. great.. she's gonna remember this night for the rest of her life.. how her dad took her out for a drive and she ended up in pain in the hospital... 
she did well though.. she freaked out.. top of the lungs.. sting me to the soul screaming.. tearing up.. the doctor jabbin in the local anithestic with a needle.. and then ella just went calm.. didn't squirm.. didn't move and just let the doctor do her thing.. two black stitches to the skin above the lip and a few dissolvable ones to the lip itself and she was unstrapped... I put my arms out to her half expecting her to hate me for the trauma and she jumped right into my arms and snuggled up to me.. tears again.. grateful ones.. and we were released. on the way out she was thanking everyone and blowing kisses.   Her lip is healing well.. I just keep hoping the doc got it straight.. her smile that is.... but since then she won't leave those lil itchy stiches alone I tell you what.. Sunday or monday they come out.. yeah.. 

wow we are behind

So heres the short of it... WAter broke at 230am march 19th.  Christine didn't wake me for a bit.. I think she was letting the Benadryl wear off a bit so that I would be able to coherently drive her to the hospital.. Anyway after showering for the long haul ahead and packing up the kids we made our way down to parents to drop off the kiddies then off to the hospital.. (assuming like previously.. we were in for the long haul).. got to the hospital around 4:30am.  the minute we walked in we expressed desire for an epidural which the nodded and moved us around filling out paperwork.. verifying her water had broke etc.. kept reminding em of the epidural.  Christine is fairly silent so as she progressed through the contractions all you would hear were little grunts and grimmaces of pain.. ( i knew the extent by the fingernail gouges in my hand.. j/k) so by 6am we were finally in a delivery room nurses running around.. got the IV up and the antibiotics flowing.. (still no epidural) said the Iv had to get in first.. the Nurse tending to us hadn't had much time to check the baby.. by 630 you could see the head.. (can I just say at this point that this was awkward for me that I was the one pointing it out.. lol)  so the nurse keeps trying to calm christine down.. with her soft passive motherly voice.. then I would chime in.. and christine told me to shut up ... lol.. that it wasn't relaxing when I did it.. (how rude.. but funny) anyhow.. the nurse kept tryint to get her to stop pushing cause.. there was no doctor there to deliver and as the nurse exclaimed many times she did not want to be the one to deliver this baby... Christine kept telling her she couldn't help it.. it was her body doing it.. well in walked Dr. Mckernan just in time .. he encouraged Christine to push.. as the head crowned we were worried cause the cord was around the neck..  He was able to get it off fairly easily and asked for one more push with which he yelled to Christine to "grab your baby"... frantically christine tried to get her hands down there and he lifted the baby up to her.. scared the bajeeebies outta me.. but lil Sada Shade was born..  okay... so Sada came from Semanee.. as so many name ideas did.. from Star wars to snow white.. but sada had a nice ring to it.. which I attached May to for a middle name.. but Christine wasn't feeling the southern influence of the may.. so from ella she took shay, and from sem she took jade and made shade.. lil sada shade beazer.  oh.. 8.9lbs 21.5" and Au NAturale.. (against her will).

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baby Boo.. Thats what I'm calling her now.. she's gone from "Star vorce/ star wars" to "Annika" to "Colby" to " Shelby" to "Diamond ruby... yadda yadda" .. You all now how we are with names..
with "Semanee Jade" and "Ella Shay"  were in a quandry over the new little girls name.  Suggestions are welcome.. lol.. These ultrasounds were taken today.. yes we are still having "ONE" baby "GIRL"  not a boy.. not twins. not twin boys.. as the many chart errors from the OBG have dictated.. confusing staff and ourselves at times.. lol.. but looks like this little one will inherit the "lips" as well.. and from the looks of that foot. she'll be Semanee sized.. poor christine .. that exit strategy is going to be painful.. ;)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ellashay didn't really want to play in the snow.. so much as stuff her face with it.. lol!
Semanee.. the princess of the snow!.. always able to strike a pose!
Semanee didn't really want us to shoot this picture until she had made a Mrs's snowman.. problem was.. there wasn't much snow left at the cabin.. we told her we could commence with Mrs's snowman the next day... (as it was supposed to snow all night).. well.. it ended up raining all night long.. and washed poor mister snowman away. ;(...