Thursday, May 7, 2009

BFF Dance by Semanee

Okay so you know how your kids say and do 
the darndist things.. well we had some Disney 
cheerleading show on tv and it inspired Semanee 
into dance.. actual 6 dances.. but we'll only post a 
couple for your enjoyment..

okay.. if ya'll want more of Sem I'll post em.. but
here's two to get you going.


Anonymous said...

Gotta love her!!! I love her splits and the curtsie was precious.


That is too funny! Love it! I especially love how she can sing at the same time she is dancing! Talented! She has some mad skillz!!! Is it my imagination or is that girl incredibly limber!? Oh to be young.... Miss you guys!

Jilly Bean said...

Dang! She's good! She's a cutie!


Boy you just got some good blackmale for the future.. Love it..
We sure miss you guys...