Saturday, April 25, 2009

wow we are behind

So heres the short of it... WAter broke at 230am march 19th.  Christine didn't wake me for a bit.. I think she was letting the Benadryl wear off a bit so that I would be able to coherently drive her to the hospital.. Anyway after showering for the long haul ahead and packing up the kids we made our way down to parents to drop off the kiddies then off to the hospital.. (assuming like previously.. we were in for the long haul).. got to the hospital around 4:30am.  the minute we walked in we expressed desire for an epidural which the nodded and moved us around filling out paperwork.. verifying her water had broke etc.. kept reminding em of the epidural.  Christine is fairly silent so as she progressed through the contractions all you would hear were little grunts and grimmaces of pain.. ( i knew the extent by the fingernail gouges in my hand.. j/k) so by 6am we were finally in a delivery room nurses running around.. got the IV up and the antibiotics flowing.. (still no epidural) said the Iv had to get in first.. the Nurse tending to us hadn't had much time to check the baby.. by 630 you could see the head.. (can I just say at this point that this was awkward for me that I was the one pointing it out.. lol)  so the nurse keeps trying to calm christine down.. with her soft passive motherly voice.. then I would chime in.. and christine told me to shut up ... lol.. that it wasn't relaxing when I did it.. (how rude.. but funny) anyhow.. the nurse kept tryint to get her to stop pushing cause.. there was no doctor there to deliver and as the nurse exclaimed many times she did not want to be the one to deliver this baby... Christine kept telling her she couldn't help it.. it was her body doing it.. well in walked Dr. Mckernan just in time .. he encouraged Christine to push.. as the head crowned we were worried cause the cord was around the neck..  He was able to get it off fairly easily and asked for one more push with which he yelled to Christine to "grab your baby"... frantically christine tried to get her hands down there and he lifted the baby up to her.. scared the bajeeebies outta me.. but lil Sada Shade was born..  okay... so Sada came from Semanee.. as so many name ideas did.. from Star wars to snow white.. but sada had a nice ring to it.. which I attached May to for a middle name.. but Christine wasn't feeling the southern influence of the may.. so from ella she took shay, and from sem she took jade and made shade.. lil sada shade beazer.  oh.. 8.9lbs 21.5" and Au NAturale.. (against her will).


Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

Your poor wife! I hope it wasdn't to traumatic. There is no excuse for over 2 hours at the hospital and still no epidural. My first twin was a quicky so I had to do it all natural too. Sheesh it sucked. But it didn't suck as bad as having a c-section for the second twin! I'd take an all natural birth any day over a c-section.


You're amazing Christine! I'm just glad everything came out alright! I can't wait to meet little Sada Shade! You and Allen have the most beautiful little girls! Congrats to you! love you guys!