Saturday, November 1, 2008

how to extract many thorns from a hand.. wax. lol

K.. so Semanee.. playing with her little friend Logan across the street saw what she thought were flowers on a cactus. which turned out to be little yellow thorns. After trying to pick them out one by one was entirely too tedious.. tried duct tape first.. lol didn't work so well.. then thought of Christines eyebrow wax.. (hey if it will pull out hair it should pull outt little yellow thorns right?) so heated applied and pulled and sure enough.. they all came out. her fingers are now hair free as well. lol



Smart, the wax has many uses eh? I bet she doesn't touch the cactus again. We saw your video, we totally should have came over and trick or treated. I'm not sure all of the kids would have came up to your


LOL! That cracks me up! The wax idea was a good idea!

Valerie said...

The wax was a great idea!! Ouch, poor kid!

Brina said...

Poor little princess. Good thing she has such a creative daddy. Luv u guys.

Nan said...

I would have never thought of that