Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nothing is Sacred with a 4 year old around!

So I've been nauseated for about a week and a half....I thought it was from these Colon cleanse tablets I was taking. So I stopped taking them and it didn't go away.....So I break out a pregnancy test that is in my bathroom drawer from when I found out I was prego w/ Ella Shay and it came back negative. I figure maybe the pills need to get out of my system....Friday I decide to go buy another test. Yes, this one was positive.....I am Pregnant!!!! That would explain why I haven't felt like doing anything around the house and sick to my stomach. Unfortunately, we told Semanee. We went to a friends house tonight for Sunday dinner and just as we are getting ready to say the prayer she says, " My mom is pregnant she is going to have a baby, it's gonna be a boy." Nothing is sacred with a 4 year old around.



Don't you know you can't tell kids certain things. CONGRATS you make cute babys.

Unknown said...

That reminds me of when I was pregnant for Suzanne. Jimmy told his teacher at school but then added you aren't suppose to tell grandma!
Congratulations! You know we couldn't be happier.

April Sunshine said...

Wow. Congratulations. We will have to get out to see you this next year. Miss you and love you.