Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ella Shay Walks!!!

So...I walked in the door and Christine yells, "Hunny Check out your daughter!", and theres Ella shay walkin toward me. She took like 15 steps before she went down. Up until today 4 was her record. ;) so we grabbed the cam to share it with everyone!.. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE. For some reason, we live for this moment from the time they are born. Now for the next six months you will be saying, Ella Shay get out of there!

April Sunshine said...

These are one of those special milestones. Save that video. It is so much fun to watch them later. I can not believe how fast they grow up. Beautiful.

Kari V. said...

Yea Ella Shay is walking. So cute.