Monday, June 16, 2008

Crazy Wii Lovers....

We bought a Wii about a month and a half ago with our tax refund......IT IS SOOOOO much Fun!!!! We are grateful to the Proudfits for introducing new games to us. We play marioparty8, mariokart, Rayman 1&2...these are our favorites. We have tried guitar hero but we both stink at it....we'll have to purchase that one so we can get better. We love it because we can all play and we get some physical activity. Semanee even beats us....she got 178 in bowling!!!!


Kari V. said...

Welcome aboard to the blogging world. It is really fun. For easy posts use windows live writer. Go to windows live website and download. It is much easier to post then going through blogger. :)

We have been back and forth about getting a Wii. The boys play TOOO much on the xbox already. I will probably get one for my birthday. Want to get that exercise one.

Look forward to reading your blog and added you to my blog list. :)

Kari V. said...

OH ya if you wanna get a different theme page go to they have some cool ones. I would do it now if you want to change because it's a pain to change it once you have all your sidebar set up. You have to edit HTML and stuff.


welcome to the blog world. Just know we are watching you.

Paul & Mary Silva your best neighbors